President & CEO’s Message
When the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation (GJDC) was established over 55 years ago, New York City was experiencing one of its worst fiscal crises and Jamaica, Queens, was in decline. Area stakeholders banded together and formed GJDC to spearhead the revitalization of Jamaica across all sectors — residential, business and recreation.
Over the decades since, Greater Jamaica Development Corporation has become a nationally-recognized model of community rejuvenation and economic transformation. New mixed-use developments arose, affordable housing was built, a retail and entertainment destination was reborn, public spaces were beautified and created, streetscapes were modernized, and a variety of other initiatives and programs brought the community together— all creating jobs largely benefiting Southeast Queens.
GJDC has remained true to its mission over the decades, while expanding to provide additional services including a Business Services Group, a Revolving Loan Fund and designated a Community Development Financial Institution. These services support local businesses with financial assistance, personalized technical support and access to resources and growth opportunities.
When I began at GJDC in 2006, I was immediately involved in the effort leading to the 368-block rezoning of Jamaica — among the largest in NYC history. Over the years, I worked across all departments of the organization gaining in-depth knowledge of the daily operations. Perhaps my proudest achievement is establishing and strengthening relationships with leaders in the community, all branches of government and the private sector.
I am honored and grateful to the GJDC Board and Staff for entrusting me to lead this organization. I am thankful to our partners across government and the private sector for their continued commitment to this organization and the Jamaica community. All achievements in Jamaica’s revitalization are theirs to celebrate as well.
Together we have and will continue to ensure a brighter future for downtown Jamaica.
Continue to check our website and social media for the latest updates, and always feel free to tell us how we can enhance Jamaica to be an even better place to live, work and play.