Our Mission

Greater Jamaica Development Corporation is a community-building organization that plans, promotes, coordinates and advances responsible development to revitalize Jamaica and strengthen the region.

Marshalling the resources of the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors, GJDC’s work expands economic opportunity and improves quality of life for the ethnically and economically diverse residents of Jamaica and for the region at large, which benefits from rational, well-planned, and sustainable metropolitan growth.

Small Business CDFI Revolving Loan Fund and Technical Assistance

Average Loan
$ 0
Lent to Local, Small Businesses
$ 0 M
Leveraged in Private Capital
$ 0 M
Jobs Created and Saved

A Message From Our CEO

When the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation (GJDC) was established over 55 years ago, New York City was experiencing one of its worst fiscal crises and Jamaica, Queens, was in decline. Area stakeholders banded together and formed GJDC to spearhead the revitalization of Jamaica across all sectors — residential, business and recreation.

President & CEO

Our Supporters